Church Services

Friday Night Sabbath Sundown Service

Sabbath Sundown Welcoming Service With Your Family  (30 minutes)


Sabbath (Saturday) Worship Services

M.W.S. (Morning Worship Service)
Time: 10:00 am to 11:30 am (90 minutes)

S.S.W.S. (Sabbath School Worship Service)
Time: 11:30 am to 12:30 pm (60 minutes)


Sabbath(Saturday) Afternoon: Family Time Together

(With Family, Friends, the Elderly, Youth(s), Single Parents, Single(s), Couples and Others in need of Friendship and Support)


W.P.B.S.S.: (Weekly Prayer & Bible Study Service)

Time: 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm (60 minutes)

Via Conference Call: 732-434-2865



Foundation Progressive Sabbath Advent Ministries, Inc.
Address: 80 East 96th St.
Brooklyn, New York 11212
Corner of Rutland Road& 96th Street
Entrance on the side of 96th Street Next to the Roti Shop


Online Broadcasting Weekly Church Service

YouTube Channel: Foundation Progressive Sabbath Advent Ministries 

Facebook: Foundation Progressive Sabbath Advent Ministries

Zoom ID: 846 6063 6314   Passcode: 515233



Take 3 train to the Rutland Road/Sutter Ave Stop
Take 12 bus to East New York & 96th Street
Take 47 bus to Rockaway Parkway & Rutland Road


Contact Information

Facebook: Foundation Progressive Sabbath Advent Ministries, Inc.
Twitter: FPSAM@fpsam7
Instagram:  fpsamp7
Phone: 347-569-9915