Physical Ministries
L.S.M.D. (Life Skills Ministry Director)
The Life Skills Ministry Director is responsible for carrying out skills surveys to glean data on FPSAM members and individuals in the community to facilitate the customization of skill-building workshops, such as cooking classes, tutorials in table setting arrangements, housekeeping, hair braiding, cake making, sewing, and other related proficiencies.
H.H.M.D. (Holistic Health Ministry Director)
The Holistic Health Ministry Director is dedicated to imparting knowledge to FPSAM constituents and surrounding community members about the importance of keeping their body, soul, and spirit in optimal health and condition. The Holistic Health Ministry Director must lead cooking workshops, exercise classes, and other workshops on various health topics.
T.D. (Technology Director)
The Technology Director functions as a trainer of FPSAM Board members, FPSAM members, and non-members in the use of prevalent technologies. The Technology Director's learning modules will address participants' need for basic and advanced training in social media platforms, word processing, spreadsheet, presentation, and email software, Internet search protocols, and other modern technology tools.
S.C.B.S.B. (Support Community Based Small Businesses)
The S.C.B.S.B. organization's main function is to advertise, patronize, and give assistance to local small businesses. Only businesses that exhibit integrity and honesty in their dealings will receive support in the FPSAM, Inc. website and brochure.