Social Ministries

P.A.G.E.D. (Parents Always Getting Empowered Director)
The PAGE Director provides current information on effective parenting, dealing with troubled children, counseling for widows, support for army wives or husbands, teenage parents, single parents and other vital information about adult relationships.
C.A.R.E.D. (Children Always Reaching for Excellence Director)
The CARE Director will conduct informational sessions on child development, child psychology and other topics relating to children 1 to 11 years of age. The CARE Director will work with the PAGE Director in developing and providing workshops to FPSAM children and their adult caregivers.

Y.E.A.H.D. (Youth Empowered Always Honor Director)
The YEAH Director is primarily responsible for conducting classes on puberty development, gang prevention, suicide intervention, success in school, positive self-esteem, and other topics related to youth development. The YEAH Director engages with youth 12 to 21 years of age.

P.D. (Professional Director)
The Professional Director is tasked with organizing and implementing needs surveys to determine the varied talents and skills of the FPSAM Family. The Professional Director will create a roster highlighting the skill set of FPSAM members so that individuals in need of members' talents may be blessed through church-based and community service.